Saturday, November 29, 2008


Dear bloggers and friends,

I've finally found someone that is able to help and teach me how to solve my HTML problems ^^. He is my fathers friend son. His a lot more older than me I guess. Yea.. His like ermm....should be below 30 years old. His a programmer.

Actually, do you know what is HTML ? HTML is one of the most basic programming script that is mostly use for websites. HTML are those scripts that let you see the outer layer , the image that appears on a program. Example like now, you look at your Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.

You see the places where there are spaces ? For you to type in the website, the boxes for google search. At the side have the scrolling bar and several other stuffs of a program are actually the doing of HTML. They just show you the visual and it actually DOES* nothing. Every program your using now such as Microsoft Words and those are just HTML which you see and that you wouldn't know whats the thing that functioning and making Microsoft Words work.

There are more higher levels of coding, which are 10x more harder than HTML. As I said, HTML is just the image showing on a program and does nothing. Behind every HTML, there are actually more codings that are used to control the program and activate it. Even though you play a very simple game such as a 2D MapleStory. You would say :" Babish Game, stupid. dumb." If you were the one that comes to the coding, you will know how hard it is.

High levels of coding such as CSS(C-SharpSharp) , DirectX , and..... oh gosh... I forgot... There are a lot of codings which you couldn't even count them all. CSS are used to change the image form by HTML that appears on the screen such as Opacity. Opcaity is a CSS coding that enables the screen to turn transparent. Okay, for programming... I guess I will stop here... I'm pretty noob at it. Just listen from my father's friend son. Haha...

Okay, let's talk about game programming. I'm sure everyone have heard of CS1.6 ? Counter Strike 1.6. Alright, I know you have. When in a game. You would think. It's very simple seeing walls, characters, every other things. When a character move and such. It's coding is actually harder than we imagine.

When a character moves, we must have make 3 main codings which enables it. The 3 are X-axis,Y-axis and Z-axis. This is what we called 3D. Other than just the image. Normally, if you just put the image there and set the moving codings, it's pointless. For you will only see a fixed image moving around which is so unreal.

You have to make the image movement and everything including waving arms, turning body, walking legs.... and such... which is a lot of coding......since HTML I can't really remember all and such. Doing this codings can kill me.

Another thing he taught me and he said it's one of the hardest is...... The wall in every game. You know when you see a wall.... It's like plain simple... easier than a character but it isn't. A wall, You have to code to make it know when something is going to colide with it. You have to set it to block any moving objects into it. You have to set if it's movable.

Haha... I guess reading all this you will get some headache if you don't really understand ? Lol. Okay, I think I will stop here for today.

Yours truly and friendly,

P/S : Whoever got play CS1.6 on Garena come join the server I host because I've got many cool models such as Agent Smith, Spiderman , Captain America, Gundam, Naruto...and more....LOLS !!! They are my CS Models. LOLS !!! Damn fun.

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