Saturday, November 29, 2008

Jie En so free tag me 5 times but I'm doing once only HAHA...

Bold the statements that are true to you.Italize the statements you wish it’d were true.Leave the fibs alone.Then, stab-tag 5 people to do the same test.

I am 170cm tall.

I don’t know what I want at the moment.

I’m not happy.
(I can't say so, because I'm a bit happy and unhappy. So it's middle)

I hate my friends.
(I hate some only including online friends but don't need sad la... nothing to do with 6D friends XD)

I hate my life.

I hate my grades.

I have a face.
(the previous word written here was "He drives"(a guy who drives a vehicle) but since Jie En doesn't understand it, I will have to change it to..)

I’m bored of driving.

I have a white handbag.

I love dancing.

I go clubbing every week.

I have a tattoo of a star.

I got my navel pierced.

I have friends that take drugs.

90% of my friends smoke.

I'm studying fashion.

I have a business running.
( Everyone will wish for this.. if they don't they are a funny kind...lols )

I hate cartoons.

I hate someone.

I have 10 Guess handbags.

I buy CLEO every month.

My parents don’t know about my blog.
(My parents know but they never come and check it.)

I have an iPod.
(Don't want to waste money)

I don’t have faith in the “current one”.

My school mates know about my blog.
(My primary school friends too! ^^)

I wanted to be a fashion designer.

I love rock emo bands.

I hate it when people cancel last minute meet ups.
(Because it destroys the time you needed to do something else)

I’m a rebel.

I don’t believe in love.
(I wish..)

High school’s filled with drama.

My parents have faith in me.
(Yeahh, like, my parents have faith in everyone of us.)

I have bought shoes this month.

A blogger b****ed about me before.
(Is this *A blogger blogged about me before?* why censor it ?)

I hate sports.

I heart Italian food.

I hate meeting new people.

I hate nail polish.
(Don't really like it...)

The mother bear gives me hug.

People should start appreciating me.

High school was the worst time of my life.

I have red hair.

One Utama is my second home.

I’m a guy.

I’m scared of my Biology exam.

I hate vacations.

We’ll last.

I believe in long distance relationships.

I’m going to get high and smoke weeds one day soon.

I’ve robbed an old lady.

I am starting to like applying make-up.

I was a tomboy.

At times I still I’m a tomboy.

I still have a best friend.(Bold and Italize)
(You will never know ~.~)

I have a cat.
(Not in my life)

I hate surprise parties.

I hate planning parties.

I’m hot.

I’m a sinner.

I’ve got a DS/DS light.
(earth language?)

I have W-iiI can live without music.

Video games are a waste of time.
(No no no no! Its super fun)

I miss the father bear.

I love being in love.

I know how to cook.
(My taste buds are supreme my family says... like food critic as I always complain about my maids cooking like crap... rubbish...not nice.. not sweet...too plain.... lols...So they ask me to be a chef one day.... or find a wife whose a good cook...lols)

I have 100% freedom!
(Well...strict parents....70% strict....because they still let me use the computer for long and sometime they are very kind.... so not 100% strict...100% freedom - 70% parents strictness = 30% freedom)

Boys are ********. (Leave it to your interpretation)
(******** = non-human )

I hate math.

I love horror films.
(I'm quite scare watching them... lols.... but I still watch it.... I like but not love it...)

I’m happy with what I have.
(Sometimes I'm not)

I slept in my parents’ room for 3 days after watching Scream when I was a kid
(I always slept in my parents room when I was a kid.)

My old friends keep in touch with me.

I don’t read newspapers.

The news is such a waste of time.

Blogging is a waste of time.

I hate animals.

I can’t live without make-up.

I curse like a pirate.

I’m happy with my 11-year old car.

I hate people that are smart.

I love Apple juice.

I can’t drink for nuts.

I’ve got a new phone.

I’m going to get a new pair of shoes by the end of this month.

I love swimming.
(Sometimes yes sometimes no)

I haven’t work out since March.

I think I’m fat.

I love my friends and family.

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